Snithik Dekate

Snithik Dekate, aged ten, is passionate about literature and medicine. Raised in a family rooted in dentistry, he aspires to delve deeper into the realm of surgery. Outside academics, football fuels his energy, while Marvel comics ignite his imagination. J.K. Rowling's enchanting narratives inspire him, fostering a desire to craft stories of his own. Reading not only entertains him but also enhances his vocabulary and storytelling prowess. With dreams of becoming a surgeon, Snithik aims to merge his medical expertise with his creative spirit, poised to make a profound impact on the world.
My Story
The Mysterious Creature
The book "Once Upon In Our Minds - Volume 2" showcases the story "The Mysterious Creature" by Snithik Dekate. Within the bustling city of Boston, J. Robert Oppenheimer, a dedicated lab technician, leads a quiet life with his intelligent and empathetic son. However, their tranquility is disrupted when they encounter a mysterious creature near the lab one evening. In this tale of resilience and determination, Oppenheimer and his son navigate challenges, emerging stronger and wiser. Together, they learn that true courage lies in confronting fear, not succumbing to it. Dive into this captivating narrative of hope and bravery, where unexpected encounters lead to profound lessons learned.